We are like-minded cyclists who bike to promote better health, eating habits and we also support charities. We ride on multiple days but our group ride is on Sunday Morning at Sunrise. Consistency over speed is the Mantra
Triangle Bikeworks
Triangle Bikeworks is a youth empowerment nonprofit located in Carrboro, we use biking and outdoor activities to engage BIPOC youth in organized cycling, untold history, and environmental education Our mission is to strengthen the power of youth who are Black, Latine, Asian, Indigenous, and People Of Color to overcome challenges, achieve audacious goals, and discover their true selves.
Contact us at info@trianglebikeworks.com or visit trianglebikeworks.org
Oaks and Spokes
Oaks and Spokes is a local advocacy organization committed to advancing transportation options and transportation equity in Raleigh, North Carolina. Founded in 2012, and incorporated as a non-profit in 2016, the organization has further advanced goals for accelerating change in our community this year by hiring our first Executive Director to amplify programming. Our role in our community is to work collaboratively with program partners to highlight where additional work is needed to reach regional mobility goals and help impact that change locally.
Contact us at director@oaksandspokes.com or visit oaksandspokes.com
Our group focuses mainly on road and gravel riding
Contact us at tonysantalucia1@gmail.com or visit RALEIGHGYROS.COM
Bike Durham
Vision: Everyone should have access to safe, affordable and sustainable transportation regardless of who they are or where they live. Mission: Through events, advocacy and education, Bike Durham empowers all people to walk, bike and ride transit more often. While we do events and rides, these are primarily in May and October. We have advocacy and education activities year-round.
Contact us at info@bikedurham.org or visit bikedurham.org
Carolina Tarwheels
A group of bicycle enthusiasts who organize social rides in Orange, Durham, Wake, Alamance, and Chatham counties of North Carolina. We promote the fun and challenge of cycling and advocate for cycling safety and bike-friendly policies in our communities.
Contact us at nctarwheels@gmail.com or visit our website at meetup.com/Tarwheels or tarwheels.net/wp
Team CBC
An open club that includes road cyclists of all ages and ability levels. We are a team fighting to put an end to MS through fundraising efforts in addition to participating in other philanthropic fundraising events… and we always have fun!
Contact us at president@teamcbc.com or visit teamcbc.com
Ride Around Durham (R.A.D.)
Ride Around Durham (R.A.D.) is an inclusive, no-drop ride group based in Durham, NC. By being no-drop, our mission is to create bicycling community across all skill levels. In addition, by riding around Durham, we seek to connect all parts of the city.
Contact us at israelagolden@gmail.com or visit our instagram @ride_around_durham
Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill
Contact us at bikechapelhill@gmail.com or visit meetup.com/Bicycle-Alliance-of-Chapel-Hill